Source code for pyvx


__version_info__ = (0, 3, 0)
__version__ = '.'.join(str(i) for i in __version_info__)
__backend_version__ = b'1.0.1-2'

_default_backend_name = '_default'

import sys
if sys.version_info > (3,):
    from importlib import reload

[docs]def use_backend(backend): """ Specifies which backend to use. It is typically called before any other modules are imported. If it is called later it will reload the modules. However if any symbols was imported from the modules, they will have to be reimported. If it is not called, the default backend will be used. The *backend* parameter can either be an already imported module or a string which specifyes a module under *pyvx.backend* to load. That is the same string that was passed as the *name* argument of build_cbackend during `installation`_. The first form allows for backends that's not part of pyvx to be used. .. _`installation`: #installation Typical usage: .. code-block:: python from pyvx import use_backend use_backend("sample") from pyvx import vx """ """ :param backend: :return: """ import pyvx pyvx._default_backend_name = backend for n in ['backend', '_auto_vx', '_auto_vxu', 'types', 'vx', 'vxu', 'pythonic']: n = 'pyvx.' + n if n in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules[n])